Huffington Post removes Josh Trevino articles

The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post has removed Josh Trevino’s articles after he admitted in an official US filing that he received RM1.2mil for writing articles and leading a campaign against Anwar Ibrahim. The Huffington Post was one of many mainstream US publications that carried articles by Trevino and other conservative writers whom he paid tens of thousands of dollars for articles.

A link to a Trevino article now leads to an Editor’s Note:

Editor’s Note
This post was removed from The Huffington Post after it was revealed that the author violated HuffPost’s blogger guidelines by not disclosing a financial conflict of interest.

A repost of the deleted article –

HuffPost removes Josh Trevino article

HuffPost removes Josh Trevino article

3 thoughts on “Huffington Post removes Josh Trevino articles

  1. Pingback: Read Joshua Trevino's Article Removed From The Huffington Post | What Anwar's Trial Really Means | Got This Got That

  2. First the Guardian drops him and now the Huntington Post what a looser. It was reported that a number of people writing for a whole host of websites across the political spectrum were doing so on behalf of the Malaysian government. And for their work they were paid handsomely. In other words, they were secretly pawning off talking points from the Malaysian government as their own in exchange for money. In 2011, then-Politico political reporter Ben Smith accused conservative writer Josh Trevino of working on behalf of special interest groups in Malaysia. Trevino fired back, “I was never on any ‘Malaysian entity’s payroll,’ and I resent your assumption that I was.” Now the truth is in the open thatv indeed he was paid by the malaysian government. Josh Trevino was the speech writer for president Bush and probably that is why the former president used to fumble when giving a speech.

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