Oral sex between girls is NOT illegal

Here’s what the law says

Anal sex between men? Not allowed. Anal sex between husband and wife, minister and mistress, boyfriend and girlfriend? Not allowed. Oral sex between men? Not allowed. Oral sex between husband and wife, minister and mistress, boyfriend and girlfriend? Not allowed.

But read the extract carefully.

You must insert the you-know-what into the mouth of your partner.

Man on man. Woman on man. (For further education, see video of a man resembling Chua Soi Lek and a woman said to be not his wife.)

Women, as you know, don’t have a natural you-know-what. One woman cannot insert her you-know-what into the mouth of another woman. It’s impossible.

So oral sex between two women is not illegal. Not a crime. Lesbians can have sex. It’s okay. That’s the law.

Now what was the jackass minister saying about homosexual sex acts being illegal?

4 thoughts on “Oral sex between girls is NOT illegal

  1. He may have been a minister now. However, had Malaysia went to war when he was Major General, OMG.
    Malaysia having such quality of a general? Surely he was promoted on merit, from rank and file. Think so?

    If a fisherman were to cut off the head of a squid, and enjoy himself with it, is it ok?

  2. What happened behind closed doors is private, period. It is futile trying to enforce a law which is inherently impractical. What is likely to happen would be ordinary folks and political opponents being harassed and charged, while those with the right connections would not be touched.

    • K S Ong said:

      …What is likely to happen would be ordinary folks and political opponents being harassed and charged, while those with the right connections would not be touched.

      Oh wait… it’s already like that

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